Sunday, February 24, 2013

Political Cartoon

This is a political cartoon about the Israel conflict. I feel that they are showing us that the Palestine people will not be happy tell they have every peace of land. The author is some what bias in saying that Israel is the one trying to make peace and that Palestine is totally saying no. 


To get all my pictures and videos i got from Google and Wikisource
All of the rest of information is the from the in class resources. 

Five Essential Questions

1. Why are there so many civil wars in the Middle East?

2. If the Middle East was united would they be a very powerful region s.p.e?

3. What are the three monotheistic religions and what do they all have in common? 

4. Why is the U.S so involved in Middle East affairs, specially Israel?

5. What can the U.N due to stop all the violence in the Middle East?

Civil Wars in the Middle East S.P.E

In the Middle East there are many issues that are causing instability threw out the region but in my view the biggest one is civil wars. Civil wars affect the social aspect of the Middle East because it causes the many factions to turn away from each other and have different views. Which in turn well just continue to separate the many factions threw out the Middle East. It increases the distrust due to the fact that they are trying to kill each other which we all know is very hard to forget. Politically it makes the government unstable and causes its people to not trust the government. In turn it makes all the governments around them week too. Economically the civil war leads to huge money losses which makes the economy very poor, which affects all the economy's around them. Now that I have told you why it affects the Middle East so much let me show you all the country's that are in civil wars. In Iraq the Sunni and Shiites are having a civil war over their religious views causing major social issues. Egypt, Tunisia, and Libya have had their people over throw their own governments, now you may not call that a civil war but it is definitely affecting the political instability in the Middle East. On going right now Syria is in a civil war which as of now is affecting many country's socially, politically and economically including the U.S. and its self. In class we have probably covered this civil war the most and it is the one in Israel. The Israels and Palestinian are having a civil war over the land and whose country it should be. Not only is it tearing its own country down it is sucking in everyone around it. All of the examples I have listed show why I think the Middle East's biggest issue whether it is socially, politically, economically or just causing issues until thees many country's can handle them self's the Middle East is not going to grow or flourish.            

Religion In the Middle East

Threw out the Middle East there are many different religions, but the three monotheistic religions Judaism, Christianity, and Islam are the largest and most important in the Middle East. I well tell you how they originated and the role they play in the Middle East. The first is the oldest surviving monotheistic religion, Judaism. It originated in Eastern Mediterranean. It was founded by the first Jew Abraham who had a covenant with God. Abraham was crucified by the Romans shortly after his followers created Christianity. In modern times the country of Israel is were most of the Jews live today. This is because after the Holocaust the Jews people moved to Palestine to create there own country. Now in the Middle East it is the second largest religion. The religion of Christianity was created by Judaism followers as i stated above it is also the second oldest monotheistic religion. Jesus is believed to be the founder of  Christianity, the son of God. The Romans killed Jesus on the cross. Christians believe in the old testament or better known as the Bible. Now it is the third largest religion in the Middle East. Islam is the largest religion in the Middle East. Muhammad began preaching Islam first in the the city of Mecca in Saudi Arabia. The leaders of Mecca tried to stop Muhammad from his preaching and the belief in Islam but did not succeed. In the modern Middle East there are two different Islamic beliefs the Sunni and Shiites. They have in recent times even caused civil wars in country's such as Iraq. Now Islam is the largest and most proud religion in the Middle East. There are many of religions in the Middle East but Judaism, Christianity and Islam are the largest in the Middle East that continue to cause issues threw out the region.  

Middle East Pictures

The picture above shows the major religions in the Middle East. Which clearly shows that most of the Middle East is dominated by the three monotheistic religions. 
This is a picture of the Israel-Palestine civil war and how over the past years Israel owns most of the modern day land but in 1946 Palestinian had the majority of the land.  
Israel has had many on going issues and a major one is the civil war at hand between Israel and Palestine. 
 Civil Wars are affecting people all over the Middle East causing deaths and violence making things very unstable.
This political cartoon is telling us that the Middle East is running in circles trying to put out fires, which they are referring to as all of the issues. 

Consul General of Israel Daniel Kutner - Major Issues in Middle East

Consul General of Israel Daniel Kutner speaks to the University of Charleston about the major issues in the Middle East and I feel that he hits it right on the head, and really gives great explanations of how and what is going on.